Moomaw Commandery No. 27 - Knights Templar in Virginia
Commandery meetings are held on the third Thursdays of each month with dinner beginning at 6:15pm and meeting beginning after the Royal Arch Chapter Meeting, typically at 8pm.
2024-2025 Officers
CommanderJesse S. LyonsTreasurerBrent E. BuswellJunior WardenBaldwin Gerald Locher IIISword BearerGary Butler |
GeneralissimoMark H. BryantRecorderTimothy L. ThormanPrelateBaldwin Gerald Locher, Jr.WarderTorben Host Pederson |
Captain GeneralFrederick C. Vaughn, Sr.Senior WardenJustin T. WisemanStandard BearerBrent W. FellowsSentinelJackson M. Glisson, Jr. |
Commandery dues are $60 per Sir Knight. You may pay online with a small service fee by clicking the button below, or you can mail a check made out to "Moomaw Commandery No. 27" to 103 W Nelson St, Lexington, VA 24450. Additionally, donations greatly appreciated.