April 17, 2020
Brethren, Today’s situation in the world is unlike any of us have faced—from the Greatest Generation who served in World War II, to the newest Entered Apprentice in the northeast corner of the Lodge. Make no mistake, today’s crisis will shape your life. I know that Masonry will rise to the various challenges, and our Lodge is fortunate to have a strong brotherhood to overcome these difficult times. No lesson in Masonry is wiser, or more needed, than that of the twenty-four-inch gauge. We are taught to number and measure our days using part for the service of God and relief of a distressed worthy Brother, another equal part for our usual vocations, and another for refreshment and sleep. As many of us have spent a lot of time at home, this is a noble rule and a reminder for us. It is my hope that this lesson will remind us to make the best use of our time while most importantly helping our Brothers in need. We have sent several communications to our members, and the good news is that all of our members are doing very well! However, if you need any help or assistance, please contact me or our secretary, R.W. Jesse. Remember, we want Masonry, our values, and our purpose, to be a constant for you. Please accept this little token as a reminder of our brotherhood. Whether you place it on your tumbler, coffee mug, computer, or some other visible location, we hope it serves as a reminder that we will soon meet on the level and part on the square. I am proud to be a Mason, and I hope you are too. I hope this letter finds you safe, healthy, and with your family. God bless our beloved fraternity, our brothers, and your family! Fraternally,
Brent W. Fellows
Worshipful Master
MountainCityMasonicLodge.org • 103 West Nelson Street, Lexington, Virginia 24450 • [email protected]
The Lexington-Rockbridge Chamber of Commerce held its 83rd Annual Dinner Dance and Auction on Saturday, February 1, 2020, at Evans Hall on the campus of Washington and Lee University. Among the many highlights of “An Old Hollywood Affair” was the presentation of the 2020 Business Individual of the Year award. For the past 35 years the Chamber’s Board of Directors has voted on nominations solicited from the membership, and this year long-time business owner and familiar community member John W. Morman was honored with this distinguished award.
John has been a long-time Chamber supporter and good friend to many. He is known for his hard work ethic, his generosity to philanthropic causes and his genuine care for others. He is always asking how he can help, and going the extra mile to make sure his customers are taken care of and continue to come back. This spirit of service to others is one of the reasons that Celtic Tides, the shop he owns and operates with his loving wife, Mary Jo, has been successful for over 15 years. In addition to being a staple of the downtown Lexington business community, John has been an active volunteer and contributor in Rockbridge County, serving numerous organizations over the years, including the Lexington Lions Club, the Chamber of Commerce, Main Street Lexington and the Mountain City Masonic Lodge. “We are fortunate to have such a creative and passionate business individual among us,” says Chamber Executive Director, Tracy Lyons. “His passion for heritage and community engagement made him the perfect choice for the 2020 Business Individual of the Year.” The mission of the Lexington-Rockbridge Chamber of Commerce is to champion civic and economic progress for our community. We currently serve nearly 500 members across all three area jurisdictions. For more information about the chamber or to search our online business directory, visit us at lexrockchamber.com or call (540) 463-5375. ![]() The Worshipful Master and I are deeply saddened to inform you that Brother Richard Leverne Kauffman has passed on to the Celestial Lodge above. Brother Kauffman was born on November 26, 1929. The first photo was at the Lodge's 2019 Christmas Party and Open Installation... he was 90 years old. He was initiated as an Entered Apprentice on November 11, 1968, passed to the degree of Fellowcraft on January 13, 1960, and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on February 17, 1969. in the second photo, the brethren will remember this past March when the Lodge and the Master recognized Richard as a 50-year Masonic Veteran. Brother Kauffman was our erstwhile Treasurer, an excellent one at that, serving at the pleasure (and much to the relief) of several Masters. Some of you will recall a few years ago, Richard’s family attending his grandson’s Eagle Scout presentation at our Lodge, much like we did earlier this month. Tomorrow, Monday, February 3, is the funeral for Brother Richard Kauffman. It is at 2pm at New Providence Presbyterian Church - 1208 New Providence Rd, Raphine, VA 24472. There will be military honors at the grave, and we will conduct a masonic service first in the church. R.W. Glenn Jones from “over the mountain” (and our district Masonic Home Ambassador) will lead the service. While we are eternally thankful that he is in a better place, it is fitting that the loss of our brother saddens us. Those of us who knew and worked with him acknowledge an added tribute to his memory. Please keep Richard’s family in your thoughts and prayers. At the January Stated Communication, Wor. Master Brent Fellows, assisted by R.W. Jack Glisson, presented several Eagle Scout recognition certificates provided by the Grand Lodge of Virginia and signed by Most Worshipful Douglas Vernon Jones, Grand Master of Masons in Virginia. Several families, Scout leaders, and brethren/candidates attended--the Dining Hall and Lodge Hall were packed! Photos are also available on Facebook. Held at Moody Hall on post at VMI, the annual Christmas Party, coupled with our open installation of 2020 officers, was a fantastic event of fraternal brotherhood for the whole family. Wives, candidates, families, widows, and brethren all gathered to celebrate the season under the banner of Freemasonry. Photos are also available on Facebook.
View all the photos HERE.
The brethren, family, and friends of Mountain City Lodge No. 67 (Lexington) gathered on Friday, December 8, 2018, at Moody Hall on post at VMI to celebrate Christmas and install our 2019 officers. Worshipful Brent Fellows was installed as Master, Worshipful John Morman was recognized for an outstanding year, and R.W. Warren Schmid received a Certificate of Merit from the Grand Lodge of Virginia A.F. & A.M., presented by M.W. Kerry Campbell, past Grand Master of Masons in Virginia. The wonderful Jean Glisson read our annual Christmas Story, and a good time was had by all. A very warm thank you to all the spouses and families who support our Masons all year long and for all you do. More photos can be viewed on Mountain City Masonic Lodge's Facebook page.
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